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Are you easily distracted and unable to memorize? Here are the concentration supplements.
Despite your enthusiasm, was it traumatic to return to university and to the books? If you feel tired, stressed and unable to keep your attention level high, you need a little "help" to better cope with the first session: Then you will need some tips to improve concentration.
Three tips to perform better:
A decline in cognitive performance is completely normal when books are opened again after the summer holidays, but also under scrutiny, when psychophysical fatigue causes anxiety (negative stress) that causes that unpleasant feeling of insecurity.
So here's what you need to do to regain focus and enthusiasm:
1. Choose a quiet place: Studying in the middle of chaos is not easy, so choose a quieter room where you have fewer distractions, but be careful: not too comfortable, otherwise you risk falling asleep!
2. Roadmap: It is very useful to make a plan, because it helps you track your progress and understand when to speed up and when you can take a regenerative break, without risking falling behind! By the way, every 40-50 minutes you take a break.
3. Eat healthy: Especially when you study, you should neglect your nutrition, overindulging in junk food and caffeine. On the other hand, a student's table should never be without yogurt, fish, chicken, fresh and dried fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Dark chocolate is a real complement to concentration, because it is energizing and promotes the production of serotonin, the hormone of well-being.
How to feed the mind with supplements?
If you need additional equipment, healthy eating and good habits may not be enough. Here you can introduce some kind of supplement to improve study, products formulated to relieve mental fatigue and promote memory, generally contain:
- Vitamins. Those in the B group act on metabolic processes and strengthen natural immune defenses. Vitamins C and E, however, are powerful antioxidants, which protect against the attack of free radicals and help the memorization process.
- Mineral salts. Magnesium, for example, intervenes in synaptic transmission processes, promoting concentration.
- Zinc. It is an ally of the brain, because it promotes the functioning of the nervous system.
- Iron. Prevents mental fatigue, while increasing physical energy.
- L-glutamine. It is an essential amino acid that stimulates brain activity. - Phosphorus. Source of energy, it is essential in the process of assimilation of vitamins and in cognitive development.
Browse the online catalogue, choose the product you prefer and... good luck!